I'm looking forward to finding more blogs via the Yearn to Learn Blog Mix Linky
Find the following and keep the party going!
1. A blogger who is a "New Kid on the Blog"
(Let's say someone who has blogged 2 months or less and has less than 200 followers)
2. Post a blogger in your same grade level
3. Post a blogger in a different grade level
4. It's all about the button. Find a cute blog button and post it.
Okay here we go ... :)
1. Be sure to check out Sarah @ The Fabulous First Grade. She just got a 1st grade teaching job right out of college....Congrats!
2. 3rd Grade Gridiron can be found here :) This past year was my first year in 3rd grade (besides student teaching) and I just loved it!
3. I'm slightly jealous I don't teach "younger" grades because there are SOOOO many creative people out there that seem to teach Kindergarten or 1st like Frogs, Bees, & Under the Seas
4. Umm, can I just say I am STOKED I figured out this button code thingy. Next step, creating my own...yeah, let's not get ahead of ourselves! I love Education Journey's button. So stinkin cute!

So happy you shared on my Blog Mixer Linky.
FYI check you hyperlink for Frogs and Bees. It is going to 3rd grade Gridiron blog.
Yearn to Learn Blog
Just found you through the blog linky:) I am now a follower:)
4th Grade Frolics
Yearn to Learn: Thanks! I guess that's what happens when I blog when I'm tired! :)
Tara, I love your blog! I am now a follower and can't wait to see your theme :) Thanks for following! :)
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