I've waited until Sunday to do everything on my To Do list, including laundry and school work. Blahhh
This post will be super quick because I need to iron all my crap. Ugh...
I had to come up with a word study to do this week, so I thought I would work on synonyms and antonyms. I had a Synonym Match-Up that someone so kindly shared (no clue who...if it was you, puh-lease let me know!). So, I based my Antonym Match-up after that:
Antonym Match Up 1
So, if you shared a Synonym Match-Up that looks just like this (and even has a lot of the same words!), please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.
As I type this, I'm pretty sure I downloaded Teeny's Antonym Sort a while ago and am thinking I should totally use that with my lower group. Well rats...now that I look at it, I already have. I wonder if they would remember...
We're incorporating this into our S.S. because I don't have enough ELA minutes so I have to have an ELA component in S.S. (reading and writing is not enough). Soooo, we either have Word Work, Writing, or Fluency. Okay, let's be honest, the fluency component hasn't been too prevalent.
Let's switch gears to Geometry. How many of you are EDM users? I really liked it a while ago, but I am so over it. I am tired of it not applying to our state standards. My kiddos will finish Chapter 6 this week.
Oh yes, of course I have taught every single lesson in Chapter 6. riiiiight....
I looked at the test and am so annoyed. Our district is big on only testing standards...so why should I use the EDM test that includes solid figures and decimals, which they don't have to know.
So, I'm not. I made a review for their test and it looks like I'll be making it myself (which might be frowned on by the EDM lovers out there). I know, I know...you're supposed to teach each lesson for exposure purposes. But I need my kiddos to know what they have to know for the state test. Yes, I am one of those teachers...it's the sad truth. I feel like I have to be.
On a side note, we take our MAP tests this week. I may feel slightly close to hyperventilating every time I think of it...
Anyways, here's the review sheet I'm using (for their HW). I'll share the test with you when I make it. Let's see...the test is on Thursday so I'll probably be scrambling to make it Wednesday night!
Chapter 6 Test Review
Yeah, there's one random division question in there. It was on the EDM test which I thought I would use until I went on to page 2. Hopefully you can use it...I know some of you mentioned that you'd be teaching geometry soon!
Okay, I'm off to be a good girl and iron all of my
P.S. Anyone watching the Drew Peterson movie on Lifetime tonight? I enjoyed a long day of Lifetime watching which is probably why its almost 8:30 and I'm just getting done with all my work. Procrastination at its finest :)
OH, P.S.S. Have y'all heard of Google Friend Connect ending?! I couldn't believe it when I saw it on another blog and sure enough...confirmed by Wikipedia. I also got an email about picnik closing...what is happening?! I don't know how this new Google+ works... :( For those of you wondering, Google Friend Connect is what most (if not all?) of us use when we follow a blog.
Anyone have any information to share?

I read that whole post but all I can think about is that you IRON!! I dont even own one!
Sunday night and I am scrambling to do laundry and help my 12 year old finish her invention board for tomorrow. As a teacher you'd think I'd know better than to wait till the night before. But no! Thanks for the freebies.
2B Honey Bunch
The Best Endings
Wanted to let you know that I've given you an award because you always leave such nice comments on my blog :) Thanks for that!! C'mon by my blog to pick it up!
Following Optimism
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