First off, thanks SOOOOOO much for all of your super sweet comments on my last post! I will not lie...I am totally worried about functioning when school starts back because I am straight up exhausted. I'm officially in the second trimester so I'm hoping to get my energy back soon! Just an FYI: I slept between 10.5 and 11 hours Friday night and proceeded to take not one, but two naps on Saturday. Geesh...I can't imagine what I'll be like after a full workweek with kids!
Anyways, I'm linking up over at Blog Hoppin for my must haves!
So, here are my absolute must haves in no particular order.
My laminator. This is the one I have, although it is in black. We basically had a nonexistent laminator at work this past year and when we did finally get one it was shoddy at best. This is a HUGE lifesaver. Click the picture for the link! I also use these laminating sheets. I'm sure there are some cheaper ones out there, but I just love these.
My pencil sharpener. Again, I am in LOVE. I know most of you have the super quiet one, but I have yet to invest in that one. This sharpener has great reviews and works really well. However, I am a total control freak and do not allow kids within a 5 step radius. Okay, kidding, but seriously, they are not to sharpen pencils in this. No way...not happening.
My hot glue gun. I put everything up in my room with hot glue. It peels off easily {usually} and allows lamination to stick. This is the exact same one I have and I bought it at Wal-Mart. Seriously, if you do not have one, you must get one. Everyone at work knows me as the hot glue gun girl! Ha!
Colorful pens and markers. Oh dear, I have quite the obsession. Here are some of my favorites...
And of course, ArtSkills Poster Board Markers!
Post-Its, Tabs, Paperclips, & Binderclips. I need to mark where I am in a book and where to find certain things. A binder clip is great at marking your place! I love all of these to be colorful, of course!
Coke Zero or Diet Dr. Pepper. I always have one with my lunch, but since I'm preggers, I won't be having any this school year. Kill me now!
Snacks. Preferably chocolate, but I'll eat granola bars, fruit snacks, etc. My lunch time is 30 minutes later this year so I'll definitely be inhaling this probably 4/5 days of the week:
Seriously, the best ever. I may also be known as popcorn girl at faculty meetings ;)
So those are my must haves. I'm sure as soon as I check out everyone else's I'll be hitting myself in the head in a 'doh!' moment because I forgot to include that. Oh well. Hubby wants to eat, so off to make dinner I go. I hope you link up!