I'm linking up with Farley for her August Currently...SO hard to believe August is here already!

I am heading down to Savannah with my dad this afternoon to pick up my mom and grandmother from the airport. My mom hates flying, so I hope she has a safe trip!
I can't tell you what is happening on the 14th yet, but it is big! I am super excited :) I will tell you as soon as I can.
I am hoping that I can get in my room on Monday! It's taking forever!
My back to school must haves were kind of hard, although caffeine is definitely a necessity. When you go from waking up at 7 {at the absolute earliest} to 5, you're in for a rude awakening!
Ha, the beginning of school is also about the only time I feel totally organized so that's always nice :)
I, like Farley, also LOVE my laminator. We don't have a reliable one at work, so my baby is necessary :)
Hope you link up! Can't wait to see what you have to say :)

I'm watching the Olympics too! It's so addicting :)
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Endless Pinabilitites!
My husband is pretty understanding, but I think he'd draw the line at a laminator. ;) I am not looking forward to the early mornings either!
Christi ツ
Ms. Fultz’s Corner
Thanks for sharing! I found you on the August Currently. I also am WAITING to get into my classroom. Come and check out my Currently!
Fancy Free in Fourth
One of the worst things about summer is the waiting to get into the classroom. It is awful!!
My (Not So) Elementary Life
I feel the same way about the Olympics. So glad I don't have to be up on time while they're on!
Success in Second Grade
Don’t forget to check out My Summer in Pictures Linky Party
I'm not looking forward to the getting up early part either!
:) Kaitlyn
Smiles and Sunshine
Congrats on finishing grad school!! I'm hoping to go back this winter:)
1...2...3...Teach With Me
I'm getting a laminator! I've tried resisting all summer, but I just can't stand it anymore! Found you through the linky. Glad to be a new follower!
I Teach. What's Your Super Power?
Caffeine is a must! I am trying to start backing up my wake up time already and it just isn't working.
Have an awesome day!
Yummmm!!! Caffeine!!
My Whole Brain Teaching Blog
A Grade One Nut and Her Squirrely Crew
I agree with you on the Olympics. I have been staying up WAY TOO LATE!! I would never make it at school.
The Hive
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