Well, I graduated on Saturday! Well, Fauxgraduated. You see, I still have two classes to take this summer, so no diploma or anything. It was still nice. There was a little
My sister and me
The hubby and me.
So, we are in the midst of state testing and tomorrow is our last day. My kiddos have been working SO hard and I have a little surprise for them on Friday...pizza! In all honesty, it's because they did well on their MAP test. Well, let me rephrase. They did well on the Math MAP. Reading, not so much. Several of mine went down on their reading. How do you go down?! I just don't get it. It was very disheartening! They all went up overall for the year, but since the winter, some were down. In fact, some had already met their goals in the winter and then went down so much, their goals were not met! Please tell me I'm not the only one who had kids regress from winter to spring?!
Now, onto the Giveaway!
I was SO excited when I checked my e-mail last Friday and Staci from Let's Teach Something asked me if I wanted to be part of her Giveaway. Me?! Heck to the yes! I was so excited and honored!
Seriously, check out who all is involved!
So here's what you can win:
Seriously, check out that loot. I know everyone ♥'s the Teacher Tipster and it's a retired DVD. Plus, you can win a total of $20 in TPT gift certificates and a $25 iTunes gift card! I totally wish I could enter :)
So, wanna enter? Head on over to Staci's blog. The giveaway closes on May 14 which is her (and my!) birthday :)
Hope everyone had a great Wednesday! I managed to work out (30 Day Shred) despite the power going out twice and my dog attacking me the entire time because of the thunder! I am trying to be healthier and work out more since we have been talking about the B word more...baby! Otherwise, I totally would've taken all of that as a sign and sat down on the couch and watched TV!
Happy Thursday (which is practically Friday, right?!)

Congratulations! I'm your newest follower!
The Daily Alphabet
Happy Early Birthday!! Mine is on the 21st. =) I love May birthdays!
Think, Wonder, & Teach
So glad you joined the giveaway- and what a riot that we share a birthday?!?!?! AWESOME!!!!
Let's Teach Something
Congrats on your fauxgrad! :)
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