Tell us a little something about you...
I am happily married to my high school sweetheart (we have been together 10 years!). We both went to college locally. He went to The Citadel and I went to the College of Charleston and we got married two years ago. We both have a slight huge embarrassing obsession with our dog Gizmo. He is the best dog ever and he’ll be 13 years old this year so we’re thinking of throwing him a birthday party. Is that totally strange? I mean, he’s our child, right?!
How long have you been teaching?
This is my fourth year teaching. I taught 5th grade for two years and this will be my second year in 3rd grade. I have only taught in Title I schools and I love it!
You might not know...
I am pretty shy and quiet until I get to know you. This seems to contradict my teaching personality! Also, I was always pretty good kid. Is that strange? I never had those knockdown, drag out fights with my mom that all my friends seemed to have and I was always very conscious of my choices. It didn’t seem worth the punishment of being grounded for one night of “fun.” I also never really partied that much in college; probably partially because I had to take my hubby back to The Citadel! I also speak for my dog. I think the hubby and I have more conversations for and with Gizmo than we do as adults...that's frightening!
What are you looking most forward to this school year?
I am looking forward to staying in the same grade! Last year I had to change grade levels, so that was a big adjustment. This year, I feel more confident in the content I’m teaching and I am loving my schedule!
What do you need to improve?
My organization! I am determined to be more organized this school year and not spend hours after school doing simple things I could have done throughout the day.
Also, I feel the need to socialize during my planning instead of TCBing!
I would also like to work on Math & Science as those are the subjects my students struggled with last year. I love science and so do my kiddos so I’m looking forward to this year!
What teaching supplies can you *not* live without?
My SMARTBoard. I love it!
Colorful pens & markers…I’m sure I’m the 548,678, 219 teacher to say this! :)
Coke Zero! I’m trying to limit it to meetings, but we’ll see how that goes!
Chart Paper & dry erase cart. I use it D-A-I-L-Y.
My laminator…I’m afraid it’s on the fritz. Surgery has already been performed once by the hubby and me. It’s never a good sign when it goes in, but nothing comes out!
My behavior clipboard…it stores supplies on the inside which is a must!
My badge lanyard. I have a boring, dull one now, but I hang pens on it so I always have them handy. I’ve also hung my timer on it, which may or may not have fallen off during our fire drill today…eekers!
This was a lot of fun, and didn't take too long! I'm sure tomorrow I'll read this post and see a bazillion gramatical and spelling errors. I'll blame it on the sleepiness! See y'all later!P.S. Make sure you link up! It might not be until
P.P.S. I just realized I used my newest, favoritist font and I'm pretty sure unless you have this font installed, it won't show up nicely on your computer. Please let me know if it looks all funky! I'll try and fix it tomorrow after I get back from classes in the afternoon!