I kicked it off with a nice lunch with two coworkers. One, my associate teacher, is leaving our school. She is going to teach 6th grade Science ALL BOYS! Kudos to her. She would totally stay at my school, there just aren't any openings. The other is my new teamie! Remember how I've mentioned there's a girl that doesn't exactly show up for work all the time (as in, she's probably missed close to 20 days this year)? Well, they moved her out of 3rd grade and into a non-testing grade (2nd) so I get to have the 2nd grade teacher as my new teamie...YAY! We went to Panera (yum!). For all of you sweet tea lovers out there, and thanks to the linky I know there are tons of you, Panera has really good sweet tea! Just a little FYI :)
I tell ya, I am so tired! I'm trying to get this posted so I can maybe go nap upstairs with Gizmo, who by the way, STILL has not come downstairs and I've been home over an hour. Great guard dog I tell ya.
So, I am obviously linking up with Farley and her June Currently. Have you seen her new blog design? CA-UUUUTE!

A little elaboration:
Gizmo will NOT stop escaping from the kitchen. I think we may have to crate him. Seriously, here's just one picture of all of the
HA, honestly, looking at this makes me laugh because we now have large Rubbermaid bins, our large cooler, and Matt's heavy toolbox among our current barricades. Seriously, our living room looks like we are white trash. It's embarrassing. Plus, putting these barricades up nightly and taking them down is ridonculous. He of course escaped at 4:45 this morning when a huge storm came rolling through. Even though it was a workday, I ended up just getting up with him. Ugh...okay, I'll stop talking about this because it really deserves a post all its own.
Have you seen the commercials for the Hey Batter Batter Blast at Sonic? I got it today to celebrate school ending & before I can't eat it since I'll be returning to my diet tomorrow. It was good, but not enough cookie dough and brownie batter. I guess there never is.
I would LOVE to go back to NYC. I went with the hubby's family back in 2007 and it was amazing!
We went to Atlanta last weekend. Here are some pics from our trip since I totally spaced and never shared!
At the Braves Game. The men behind us would NOT stop talking!
At the Georgia Aquarium
At the Gwinnet Braves game. My college roomies!
At the Ferndale Museum of Natural History
Tristen got married!
There was a photo booth complete with props! LOVED it! They actually used this as their guest book!
Finally, I want to go to an amusement park. I went to Carowinds last year so who knows, maybe we'll go again this year!
I don't think I even have to say it, but head on over to Farley's and link up!
And thanks so much to those of you who have linked up with my first linky! I cannot believe all the entries! I promise I'm slowly but surely getting to commenting on all of them! Still haven't linked up? Join the fun!

I'm on a puppy hunt right now and I want one like yours! Although, I'd prefer it if he stayed in the kitchen - your pictures crack me up! And I had a photobooth at my wedding and we used the pictures as our guest book, it was so much fun!
Sara :)
Smiling In Second Grade
thanks so much for linking up and what a little stinker... you should film him escaping!!! LOL
Looks like a fun wedding weekend :)
Fun in Room 4B
I wonder if the Panera by me has sweet tea........ or if it's just in the south. :( Haha!
Marvelous Multiagers!
Hi Bonnie,
I was just adding you to my blog list. :o) I put you under Teachers - Grade 2 - is that the right spot for you?
I'm your newest follower-I found you through Farley's linky party! :) Love your blog!
I just joined your obsession linky party! LOVE your blog and I am your newest follower!
Tonya’s Treats for Teachers
Yay for being out of school and for a new teamie!
Thanks for commenting on my blog. :) I thought you'd purposely made that Usher song reference on your linky...now you've GOT to look up the song on YouTube! Thanks for the job-hunt luck...if all goes according to plan, I will be singing a contract on Tuesday! (*cue happy dance here*) Um, can you wish me some luck on winning the lottery now? ;) ...You made your blog layout yourself?! Rock on! It's super-cute! I wish I could figure out how to do that, but...I guess that's what summer is for. :)
I just found your cute blog and had to become a follower! I'm a brand new, grade 2 blogger from Carolina (Go Cocks!) :)
Teaching Maddeness
Come join my 100 Follower Giveaway!
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