It has refreshed my liking of that song. Yes, I listen to rap. Honestly, I listen to anything that is catchy.
So when I left for work yesterday, I knew exactly the song I was going to jam out to for my inaugural ride into work.
Can't you tell this is the perfect "Riding Dirty" car?!
Unfortunately, it was kiiiiind of a fail.
You see, the CD player has a place for you to plug in your
It took me until the 3rd song to realize that I didn't have the cord plugged in all the way. DOH!
For the record, the only part I like of that song is the's so darn catchy!
Much thanks to Classy Confessions for rating my blog as a Top 10!
If you haven't visited her, head on over! She's a new blogger AND just started an interim job so show her some love :)
I promise I will do a later post with my nominees for a top 10 :)
Also, Lorraine from Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies is having a linky for 3rd, 4th, 5th grade bloggers. If that applies to you, head on over and link up! I know I'm going to be making sure I follow all of theirs :)
Here are some Pinterest finds I'm loving:
I made this tonight for dinner. Absolutely delicious. We've had it several times and serve it over brown rice. Yum-Oh!
We did this on Monday and my kiddos really enjoyed it! Then we went outside on a pollen hunt (killer on my allergies, but they really seemed to get it).
Speaking of which, we have officially hit spring and pollen here. How about where you live? I'm excited it's warm because that means dresses! Today I wore my new dress from JCP. It's supposed to be warm tomorrow as well so I'm off to decide on what to wear!

I love the pollination experiment!
2B Honey Bunch
The Best Endings
I am your newest follower!
I LOVE your blog. Thanks to the linky party, I was able to find it. I am a new follower.
It's possible that I *might* have banned Cheetos from our room due to the mess they leave behind, but that's a great idea!
I found you through the linky. I'm excited to connect with other intermediate teachers! I'm your newest follower too.
Christi =)
Ms. Fultz's Corner
Love the dress :) Might go get me one!
Fun in Room 4B
I love that pollination experiment!! How clever!! What a great way for them to be able to visualize it! :)
3rd Grade Times
Hi. I just found your blog! Your header is so cute! I am your newest follower.
I do that "not plugged in all the way" all the time in my car!
Love the cheetohs thing -- totally doing it this Monday! Thanks for sharing!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Hi Bonnie!
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!! I am now following yours too! And that is a funny commercial! Thanks for sharing!
Lessons with Laughter
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