Here are some things you should know about my kiddos:
1. I teach in a Title 1 school.
2. Most of my kids haven't left the area they live in
3. Most of my kiddos do not like water.
So I'm telling them yesterday that it's going to be cold and windy, especially on the boat ride over.
There was definitely some excitement then. Questions & comments were flying...
"We're going on a real boat?" {"Yes"}
"I've never been on a real boat before!"
"Yes you have, we went on one at Charles Town Landing."
I'm going to interject here. This is the boat we went on. It does not move and stays at the dock:

"That's not a boat. It doesn't move."
"Mrs. Walton, is the boat gonna move?" {Yes, how do you think we're going to get there if the boat doesn't move?}
"Boy, I'm scared of boats! I'mma need a life thingy"
So that was pretty entertaining.
Today, as we're walking up, one of my kids asks...
Wait for it...
"Are we getting on The Titanic?"
Huh?! Keep in mind, they know what the Titanic is because I've seen them reading the book!
I'm happy to say we all survived the boat ride over, even though it was freezing. However, I can't say the tourists enjoyed their ride over as much as we did...
So as we're listening to our little tour guide telling us about The Civil War and how it was between the North and the South, one of my little friends comes up to me and asks...
"When are we going to learn about the Indians?"
"What Indians?"
"I ain't had know."
Thanks for the clarification buddy...
I should also mention that this same student managed to have his pants on backwards A-L-L D-A-Y L-O-N-G. Someone else mentioned this to me, but I couldn't tell. It wasn't until we got back to school & were cleaning up litter when he yelled
"Aww man, my pants are on backwards!"
So that has been my day. Quite funny, but definitely exhausting to say the least. How was your Tuesday? I'm celebrating no class tonight with working on work going to bed early.
I'll leave you with a picture of a little friend of mine (not backwards pants boy) hiding from me behind a tree because I asked him to sit down before he could play (since, oh I don't know, he pushed other kids on our field trip)...
That coat? Yeah, that's where I asked him to sit...

I can totally relate. I went on that same field trip as a child {originally from Charleston}. I can imagine how fun it was...hehe.
Fun in Room 4B
Okay..this actually made me laugh out loud! I love it. I teach in a similar situation and these kids are SO funny. Thanks for sharing your day!
Kinder Kraziness
Haha! Precious :) Sounds like quite a day! And don't you love those special friends who always add something extra to field trips?
Dying laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SOOOOOO funny!!!!
The pants on backwards is cracking me up!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Field trips are always full of stories!
I just joined your blog via the linky party. Can't wait to read more.
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