I'll admit, I'm a little disappointed our boys didn't win the CWS. But, I'm SO proud of their hard work. They are an awesome team :)
So I'm linking up with Kristen, none other than Ladybug herself. It's hard to believe her coworkers don't know about her blog!
She's having a linky for summer purchases.
So here's what I've got so far:
I ordered these from Really Good Stuff. Here's how I use them. Throughout the day, I give out raffle tickets for anything from participating to answering a question correctly to being on task, etc. On the back, the kids write their number. At the end of the day, they can turn in any raffle tickets they want or they can choose to not participate. I choose one ticket and that kid gets to go to the prize box. Now last year I used the raffle tickets they sell at Wal-Mart. However, I had one kid that kept producing a lot of tickets. Now, I won't call this kid bad, I'll just say there was no way I gave him that many tickets. So, I thought he was taking them from the roll. Turns out, he brought them from home! So, I ordered like 7 rolls of this. Hopefully it'll last me all year!
I got all of this from none other than the Target Dollar Spot. I plan to use the trophy for the weekly winner (or maybe daily...haven't decided) of Class Dojo. That kiddo will get to keep the trophy on their desk. The other things are obviously for recess. Hopefully they'll last a little longer than the things we had this year did. Do your kids go through recess supplies like they're going out of style?!
I don't know why it's upside down, but whatever. I got this super cute border at Wal-Mart. It was in a clearance section. Can't pass it up!
I also got this at Wal-Mart. It was also on clearance. I thought it would be calming in the classroom.
I also got all of this at Wal-Mart and you guessed it...on clearance! I think I"m going to put the time thing in my prize box. I also forgot to take a picture of it, but I got clear pencil pouches on clearance at Wal-Mart as well.