I have a good reason (somewhat).
This past Friday night my parents came over and had dinner here. My mom was spending the night so we could go to Steve Spurrier's Ladies Clinic! I won't post too many pictures but here's a few:
Waiting to get in. In this picture from L to R is me, my mom, my sister, and my friend Ashley who teaches with me.
I was pretty embarrassing for them. See that big ol' grin? I was literally giddy with excitement. What you don't see in this picture is that in front of me is a looooong line of people waiting to get their picture with the Lattimore goodies. They were all cracking up at me because it was slightly ridiculous! I ♥♥♥ Marcus Lattimore! If people hadn't seen me with that medal, I may have taken it! (totally kidding of course...but seriously, my obsession runs deep).
I totally started the trend of putting the pads on! Those gloves are seriously SO sticky! There is NO excuse for dropped passes. You can also see I don't hesitate to go in full on freak mode. Which would be why...
I had to ask some random stranger to take this picture (and many others!) for me. My family and Ashley totally left me. They claim it wasn't because of my behavior, but I don't blame them ;)
I hate the way I look in this picture, but I could not get over how tall Devin Taylor is! I'm 5' 8" and I just read today that he is 6' 7"! Seriously though, I look like I've just been enlightened about something great or like this.
So last year, they had a whole autograph session with the players where you got to meet them, take pictures, and get autographs. I was so pissed bummed they didn't have it this year. However, this is where my stalking and nosiness came in handy. I noticed there were a lot of people in a hallway and cameras flashing so we went over and there were like 6 players! SCORE! Otherwise, I wouldn't have hardly any pictures with players. We were also super close to getting Bruce Ellington's (Bruuuuuuuuuce) autograph, but the coaches made him leave. Big bummer.
I told my family it's a good thing I didn't go to USC because I probably would've failed out trying to meet all of these players around campus :)
Then on Sunday I had to take care of everything I neglected during the rest of the weekend.
You know, crap like laundry, getting groceries, and working on school stuff.
Monday I couldn't post because I went to see my mom in the hospital after her surgery. She's doing great now. And yesterday I had class.
So there are my excuses.
Did you participate in the Pinterest Gift Exchange? I did and here's what I got from my super sweet partner who was Leisa Clayton. She does not have a blog, but she totally should. She is SO creative! Here are the goodies she sent me:
This adorable picture frame that even included a picture of the Giz! It's currently sitting on my window ledge at work. It makes me super happy :)
This super cute tote bag that she made herself! Amazing. See now why I said she needs a blog?!
These great, homemade bookmarks! My dog bookmark I have right now is SO worn (its over 4 years old!). Seriously, how cute. I cannot get enough!
These great writing helpers. The president one will be great come November!
Okay, I don't know why this picture won't rotate, but I love these bookmarks to give my kiddos and the tabbed clips too!
She was so sweet and I just love everything so thanks again to Leisa and please let me know if you ever start a blog!
So did you participate? Make sure to head over and link up!
totally forgot to take a picture of the gift I made, but head over to The Resource(ful) Room and check it out.

Loved all the pics!!!!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
All of these goodies are adorable!
Apples and ABC's
I love all this stuff, especially the bag. She is very talented!
Bonnie, I am so glad you like them. I love to sew and make things. Very therapeutic for me. The other items I just could not resist. I even bought me some, lol. Have a blessed day. Leisa
Hi! I found you through the bloggy exchange and came to check out your loot!
I am your newest follower :) I almost didn't follow, because you are a Carolina fan...go dawgs!!! :)
When you get a sec, stop by!
The collection of all your stuff is really appreciate able, thanks for sharing Send gifts to Pakistan from UK.
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