A few weeks ago, the director of the intervention program I teach visited my classroom for a full morning because they were concerned my students weren't getting enough ELA minutes. It's incorporated into Science & SS, but she said I really needed to incorporate the components of reading during S.S., like word works, vocabulary, & fluency. She is so sweet and kept saying "I know everything I'm telling you is more work." Well, yes, it is. But, I want my kids to get what they need. Plus, this is SO much better than what I was worried she might say which was: You need an ELA block and won't be able to teach both Science and S.S. every day.
So this week, we started our new S.S. block. My kids really like it (so far). I split them into two groups: a low group and a high group (blue and red groups to them). My high group always starts with word work. This week, they sorted based on sounds (ea and oo), sorted vce and non-vce words (they also had to write why the e was important), and filled in the blanks on sentences with oa words. My low group worked on matching words to picture (ee, oo, & oa words) and sorting vce and non-vce words. So far, they are going well. When they worked with me, we worked on our Native Americans assessment and discussed how we can use a piece of text (our book) to help answer questions. We also reenacted (with raffle tickets and M & Ms) how trade went with the Native Americans and Europeans. Then, they wrote about how the Native Americans felt in their S.C. History Journal. Next week, we're going to be using a rebus to learn about the different groups of settlers in S.C. We only have 2 days of school, so I'm hoping we'll be able to finish this rebus because I'm pretty sure we're behind in S.S. so we've got to move it!
Here are the documents I made.
Ea Word Sort
Oo Word Sort
Picture Word Match for Journal
Vce Word Sort
Congrats to those of you who have next week off! We have Monday and Tuesday so it shouldn't be too bad!
P.S. Can you believe this Clemson game! LOVE IT! I just hope we can whip up on them next week and make it 3 years in a row!
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