Seriously laughed out loud so hard at this one. Do y'all have to do this? I only wish writing the learning objective made my kids motivated, lol. Seriously, check it out. The site is amazing and there are so many great "quotes" on there!
I noticed The Lesson Plan Diva is having a linky party for HW. I tell ya, I don't enjoy giving HW. Mainly because I don't enjoy looking over it and whatnot. When I taught 5th grade, HW was assigned every night and checked the next day. We were departmentalized so once the kiddos came in my room, they knew to get their HW out and I would walk by and quickly check it to see if they had it. If not, I wrote their name down for their homeroom teacher and they would lose some recess.
Now, we assign HW on Monday and it's due on Friday. Here's what last week's HW packet looked like:
HomeworkPacket 01-30
This past week I started Class Dojo with my kiddos because we were really having a hard time earlier on. So I checked their reading log every day and if they had it done, they would earn a point and if not they would lose a point. This seemed to help motivate them to do their reading every night.
This is a short post as I'm getting ready to go to my BFF's son's birthday party and it's about a 2 hour drive down there. I hope you head over and link up with the Lesson Plan Diva!
Happy Saturday!

Ha I just posted about Hey Girl too!! We teachers think alike.
Apples and Papers
I give my 2nd graders a homework packet on Monday and it's due on Thursday. They seems to really enjoy having the "freedom" to do it all at once or a little each night, depending on their schedule. Every night they have a book to read that's on their level to get signed and study their social studies or science packet. So they do have something every night, but this has made my life a whole lot easier. The packet has a reading comprehension passage and questions, they have to write sentences using this week's high frequency words, and then our current math skill (with some review). Love it :)
Following Optimism in 2nd Grade
Thanks for linking up!
Class dojo worked great with my class. At least for awhile, nothing against dojo, my class just needs a lot of variety.
Queen with Class
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