I'd love to say I've been busy creating things and getting ready for the new school year. HA! I have been busy with other things that I'll tell you about later. Today is the first day I've done anything school related.
Like many of you, I use Class Dojo in my classroom. This is actually something I started in February of last year. I needed to do something different and one of my coworkers had just started Class Dojo so I thought I'd give it a try.
It worked really well. However, I never changed my communication log.
So, today I set out to make a new communication log. Then I went to open it and it's done in Publisher...dun dun dun. Shouldn't be a problem. I have my work laptop here. However, and this is sad sad sad...I didn't feel like getting up and taking {literally} three steps to get my work laptop. I also didn't feel like switching out my flash drives.
SO, I made a new one in Powerpoint. That way, if you want to use it, you can edit it! Here are the font's I used {ALL are from Kevin and Amanda...LOVE!}:
- My Name & Class Name: Pea So Lovely
- Dojo Description: Pea Hollee
- Points & Behaviors: Pea Heather Michelle
- Points & Comments{right side}: Pea Picky Panda
- Days: Elephants in a Cherry Tree
Anyways, hopefully someone out there can use this! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer :)